What is Saving in Bank Mutual than FOREX?


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Every person must have their bank savings both in bulk and in small quantities. But is actually saving money in the bank it really benefit? Indeed, with savings in the bank security is guaranteed and the interest earned, but what about the common administration fee deducted each month? In the discussion this time will explain the profit and loss of savings in banks.


Saving means setting aside some of the money we have to be stored. Saving money is one way to manage money. Saving the easiest is at home because it can be done at any time. However, saving in the home is no guarantee of security. Sometimes it is tempting to take the money in a savings little by little for the needs of the moment.
Saving benefits can not be denied its usefulness for life, especially in the field of finance. Not uncommon for people with high incomes, but no visible results. This could happen because of the way that has not been properly set up its finances are coupled with the habit of not saving.


No need of funds to open an account in the bank early, because the average small initial deposit. There is even a bank that requires an initial deposit of only 25,000 Savings are also paying interest that allows the funds can continue to grow. Savings are liquid / liquid. Anytime you can take your savings. Currently in bank savings products are also equipped with various facilities, such as ATM Cards, Debit Cards, even insurance. Savings products are usually equipped with a passbook making it easier for you to know the number of final balance. If no passbooks, bank would usually send monthly transaction reports. So if none of the advantages of saving in banks, the most appropriate answer to this question there is only one, namely to ease your financial transactions, such as withdrawals at thousands of ATMs (Auto Teller Machine), the facility of online transactions through e-banking, administration fee on certain balance amount and also deals directly without raffled prizes (usually accompanied by strict terms and conditions). 
In addition to the ease of financial transactions, gain more savings in banks is certainly a way that is safer and wiser than keep your money at home. With conditions, the bank you choose is a member of the Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS) Indonesia, then your savings are guaranteed safe for balances up to Rp 2 billion customers per bank. 
In terms of security, the bank offers a security guarantee facility. You do not have to worry about money will be lost or stolen. Besides being more secure, saving money in the bank can also prevent forgetting where to put your money if store at home. For example, to save money in a fairly complex found in your home, so that the risk of forgetting where the money saved will be even greater. More practical. The bank itself also provides facilities and other conveniences if you save or save money in the bank. Saving money at home it makes it difficult, if later used for the transaction. 
Because if needed, we are required to bring a lot of money. Meanwhile, if the money in the bank, we can use the debit card by simply swiping or by transfer. That we can do so that it can minimize the sense of insecurity when conducting transactions with others. Another plus, with a customer of a bank, you also benefit if make installment payments as well as Housing Credit Car Loan. Learn life-saving - saving activities are conducted regularly after payday, for example, would make a person leave his income so avoid eating snacks-snacks that are less useful. The money has been allocated to saving. Availability of money when urgent - We do not know what will happen in the future, one of them when he fell ill. When pain of course we need treatment, saving money can be used to anticipate the sudden circumstances that might come suddenly. Preventing owe - urgent circumstances such as illness requiring treatment however, do not have the availability of funds inevitably be loans road taken. Owed to the bank for example, will blossom and will instead aggravate the time of payment. With the savings we need not experience it. 
One of the requirements in investing is to save money, you may not be thinking about investing without saving from the beginning. 
Benefits of Saving For Children. 
The benefits of saving is a good activity to be nurtured from an early age, because the train to save the children will have a positive impact on our future lives. Saving for children can start from small things such as setting aside some allowance which is then entered into a piggy bank. Application of this attitude will give good savings benefits such as learning to manage money owned and learn discipline for saving requires consistency and perseverance. Various benefits of saving other than an activity that is useful yet, the result is that we can feel.


If you think that interest from savings is the interesting thing, think again. Because in fact, the banking service called a savings account that exists today is none other than an attempt to solicit funds banking cost (cost for banks). Instead expect increased savings in the account, the customer actually harmed by their administrative costs and tax burden. The administrative fees charged by banks is often disproportionate to a given interest rate.
Especially for those who have salo net over USD 7.5 million at the end of the month, the interest you receive will still be taxed at 20%. Instead of growing, you just have to prepare his chest eroded see the balance in the account regularly. This is one disadvantage savings in banks are often not realized by many people.
Maybe even you. The bank rate is very very small. Let's say we save money in the bank. Stages Bank that provides interest at 2.5% per year with no administration fees 10,000 records a month. If we calculate, the practical interest per month is 2.5% divided by 365, about 0208% per month. You must have money about 4,800,000 just to pay administrative costs. The bank also took advantage by providing extremely high interest on credit card use, which is 3% per month. If we are not smart, then we will face the classic problem, the money we could not beat the rate of inflation.


Here Bungan Savings Calculation; Lowest Balance Method. The amount of the savings rate is calculated from the amount of the lowest balance in the reporting month, multiplied by the interest rate per year is then multiplied by the number of days in the reporting month and divided by the number of days in a year. For example to calculate the flowers of May, the amount of interest is calculated: Interest savings = (interest%) x (number of days in the month of May / 365) x (the lowest balance in May) Interest Calculation Method Based on average balances.
In this method, the interest in one month is calculated based on the average balance in the current month. Average balances are calculated based on the amount of the final balance of savings every day of the month, divided by the number of days in the month. Interest Calculation Method Based Daily Balance.
In this method, interest is calculated on daily balances. The savings rate in the current month is calculated by summing the results of calculation of interest each day.
Once we megetahui method of calculation of interest on savings, we further discuss the things to note before we start saving money in the bank. Here are some questions we should ask before opening a bank account; Ask the interest calculation method applied by the bank. Savings interest rate can change at any time, because it is called the interest rate floating rate or floating rate. Some banks set deposit interest rates fixed for a certain period of time (fixed rate). Savings on interest earned, will be taxed according to the provisions in force.
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