This article is a continuation of our subtema before it: see here.But if confused ya mending from scratch click: START .. !!
Have you ever tried to trading on a demo account broker and could PROFIT, but when I play in REAL account / Live instead often Loss and MC?
Try to note and consider the following items that affect it:
1. Corporate Broker We will never win when the very first thing we've been wrong in choosing.
We lost because when we choose a broker, we anesthetized with bonus and rebate so that you are not aware that we have entered a snare broker and to dikibulin later.
Is Buddy know the broker is no such thing VIRTUAL DEALER PLUGIN to deceive us?
The broker with the plugin can deceive us.Here are the things that can be done with the plugin:
- Virtual dealer plugin can outsmart call margin, freeze running, making the price spike, create a virtual running, chasing stop loss, and even find out what is on your screen. It's good friend read also: ciri2 Broker Cheating.Therefore, choose a broker who already strictly regulated.
I suggest wearing only broker that regulation of the USA (NFA), the UK (FSA) and Australia (ASIC).
Even if you can broker is registered with the CFTC. CFTC is the strictest regulations in the world.
Never play through IB, because the spread is obviously already in the mark up, and not the official spread of primary broker.
Choose a broker who is ECN, STP, or DMA (Non Dealing Desk), but make sure they are true ECN. because IB is sometimes his promo said they ECN, they ECN because he was throwing to broker mmg utamannya. nah this primary broker who needs to be seen whether ECN or not.
Forex Broker Rating Reference may help you in choosing the right broker.
Do not be afraid to pay a commission, in the calculation of the model fixed spread and who pay a commission, much more profitable to choose which pay commission.
(More profitable because the liquidation is better.)
2. Mastery TECHNICAL analysis and or FUNDAMENTAL ...
2nd error of a trader is, among others:
- One in determining the direction / Trend.
Relying minimal weapons trader example only:
99% of traders identify trends by means of Technical. This 1000% wrong .. !!! or
99% also believe that many traders identify trends by means of fundamentals. This 999% wrong .. !!! or 99% of traders are many really believe that determine the trend by means of Supply / Demand only. This 888% wrong .. !!!
Weel it is right which one? Actually there is no hell 'Ko' but at least there was a scar that can bener for it.Determination of the major intellectual trends is by sight Factor Analysis. And in our earlier discussion if you can combine the strength (read: Analysa (Gaman Trader)) instead of by means of technical or fundamental doang toktil or supply / demand only ??
Minimal BASED 2 deh analysis that we use. More used better. Because it could be the analysis of the first counter with the analysis yanglain but sometimes it pro with the other. If we have understood further analysis and take into account things could possibly ..~ New hereinafter thinking what the right strategy to use in dealing with the situation ...?
For example:
the events of last month's FOMC Minute 'almost everyone pairs BUY position for Euro and GBP, and sell for Yen. because they see the data USA again not good. Yesterday I actually Buy in yen on the pair (USDJPY) aka 'Sell USDJPY. Want to know why I buy in Yen?Fundamentally, the USA should raise the rate sometime in the future, because otherwise it would be a burden for the government. Whatever the outcome of the meeting last night FOCM it can be compared with a Pistol with 12 holes (12 months) and there's only one bullet in it from 12 bln, 4 bln already passed without any decision on the rate increase. This means a rate rise in the rest of the moon's left will be even greater.before this is achieved, Euro, GBP will be in trend SELL.Experts analyzed the rate of USA should be around 3.75% at the end of 2017, and 1.75% at the end of this year.This means that before this is all achieved, the trend is still haunting sell Euro and GBP.So, after seeing this fundamental factor then we look at the technical. just enter the SELL position for Euro and GBP. but if you are already an expert can enter Buy also not what the origin not in the hold.
- 99% Trader always put take profit and stop loss when trading.
If the broker can be naughty we've definitely lost. (one reason: why the author never set TP / SL all ..). Because if there are brokers who thus we must hati2 and the need melhat trend direction before entering a position.
So dont nyamber 'SL' our first (aka: SL Hunter). We may be wrong in the price action,
for example:
entry probably wants at the price of 1,005 to 1,000 misses diharga but make no mistake in the direction of the current trend! determination of the position is necessary at the entrance to associate with the capital that you have of course.
The point is, when you've mastered Gaman (red: 'analysis') and moves Trader (red: Strategy) then we will never tremble again though probably one of the entry price.
- If you feel you lack a bona fide broker, it is better not to put take profit significantly, do everything in hiden or instant execution.
- Make a stop loss manually. of course, if there are changes in the fundamentals.
There are other techniques that can be done to anticipate that Take Profit / Stop Loss is not known by rogue brokers are ...
Another time deeh writers try to share here ..
Any of the above points you already know ... if not, it means you should not be trading Real / live account.
Shared by FB: Prince Jellyfish
(Editing: team HitamPutih)
It may spike to current and ..
The next will be the authors try to share another time and hopefully 'piecemeal' will try to show in subsequent articles ..