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This is the basis of that article must note 'trader2 beginners.
Forex trading market is open 24 hours a day and 5 days a week. It is a very long period of time. It can be said that the market is open continuously without any breaks or sleep. For traders, of course this is very enjoyable. Because they are likely to multiply profits at any time.
However like most ordinary market, not every moment is always crowded. There are days when the market is crowded with visitors. And there is a time and hour where the market is empty even though the market remains open. There are certain months where the market visitors actually exceed the capacity (before the feast, for example).
So insight into the time and hours in forex trading, it is also extremely important. You can adjust your trading strategy character with character time forex trading in general. In order to obtain maximum results from each trade you.
Time Market (Market Hours)
First of all we must know that the forex trading market timing is divided into several sessions of trade large / major, namely: Session Sydney (Australia), Session Tokyo (Asia), Session London (Europe), Session New York (United States). As we know there are differences long enough time between Australia and America (+16 hours). This is what makes the forex trading market never sleeps. When one market closes, another market was open, and so on. For more details, let's look at the time and the hour when each market open / close.So when a good time forex transactions?
Can not be explained directly as a good time for me is not necessarily good for you. Why ? because the strategy we use a different course. For example, what might be at 2 pm when the European market is open suitable for traders who use the strategy 'reversal / average etc but when the GBP / USD or EUR / USD is usually volatile and move in a straight which should fit for that use strategies breakout / follow trends or other?
Therefore, in choosing a good trading should keep the following things:
1. The amount of profit you want to get in one day.
2. Avocation
Suppose one day we just do 1- 3 times a transaction then:
For those of you who just want to get 5-15 pips in a day, you can trade at any time. For those who want to reach 20-40 pips can trade starting at 13:00 to 21:00 because at that time the market is crowded and the movement in the first session only minor trend could reach 30 pips. As well as those of you who want to achieve more than 60-120 pips a day, the best trading time is the start of market opening is in the morning until just before European markets opened ie between 05:00 am till 12:00 because at that time the market has not moved so the end of the trading day market conditions has moved away.
For you are a full time trader can choose the time of trading in accordance with the above trading hours.
But for those of you who are part time trader or have another job besides trading, should be trading at 21:00 on the evening or in the morning between the hours of 4:00 to 06:00.
Why not during the day?
Bagaimanamungkin can generate good profit if your concentration is divided between trade and jobs. People who just full concentration can still be wrong predictions especially who focus only half, which can happen even your job abandoned and the trading result was chaotic. Ruined your finances ...! It first should finish your work, after work to enjoy time with your child or family, and then at other times the break you start trading.
How safe trading time?
If you fear is chaos or irregular such as the myth that Friday the uncontrolled movement, you have to believe that any market movement there must be a trigger. So if in fact deepen the chaos does not exist. Irregularities market will feel when you see it only from the point of the time frame only. Yet when viewed from another angle, the time frame will surely look clear market patterns. So he advised try to do an analysis of the 2-3 time frame.And how it relates to the time forex trading strategies are good?
Example: For a scalping strategy because the market expects that commute then effectively done when the market is quiet and has not determined its shape trend, namely from morning till noon. For trending strategies for the expected is able to enter the beginning of a trend that can be started at 11:00 till 15:00, and the second trend from 19:00 till 21:00. For a breakout strategy must be entered when the markets are volatile that usually occur at 13:00 till 15:00 or 20:00 to 22: 00.
That is an overview of watu trading or forex transaction time are good views of several things. The timing is trading above is based on a general overview of market conditions that often occur. But keep in mind is that the trading time was not to collide with the time to be with the people we care about. Because if the trading is not good, you lose two things, money and togetherness.