Hallo Sobat Trader..[part-6]

trailing stopsStarter In The World Forex?
This is a continuation  in the section [part-5] but if my friend wants to start from scratch trader would not hurt please click >> (read from the beginning: Here ...)

14. Protecting Profit With Trailing Stop (TS)

Often in the chat room is no trader friend who asked: "are already green 100 pips nih ..., close is not it?" Do not know anyway ... he said so in order to seek the opinion of a real or just showing off.

Clearly, if I requested advice brevity heck I would have said: "close it, want to take profit just why bother". Well, if prompted suggestions that serious anyway, I would say: "Look at her first trend, if already weak, close it, if it is still strong, sliding his only SL".

Well, shear-shear SL is called a trailing stop and essentially intended to protect the profit that we have gained. Speaking of sliding-shift problem SL (and TP) is, each trader has the habits of each. There is a regular trader friend shifts every 10 pips SL, there is also a benchmark shift every half TP SL. That is, if for example he took TP 50 pips, the SL will be the removal of every 25 pips.

There are traders who use support-resistant benchmark in shifting the SL, there is also a Fibonacci levels as a benchmark. Whatever standard we use to shift the SL, which obviously does, hopefully with this effort, the profit that we get will be protected. Not to actually position've "ever" green, but since then the movement reversed course, ultimately it is our loss dapet. But we can actually shift the SL, we can shift our TP to follow the trend strength.

It takes patience of its own, especially if we are trading on the trading platform that requires us to do this manually sliding shift. But by shifting the TP (and SL) we will be able to continue to follow the trend without the "loss" spread. Meaning? Look, we are able to close the position immediately clicking the green already to be able to immediately take advantage that we get. Kalopun trend was still continuing, we can do the open position again.

Yeah, this way is much easier, but to repeatedly perform open-close position, means we will many times also affected by the spread. Yes if spread "only" 2 pips sometimes in multiple brokers, for pairs particular, spead could reach 9 to dozens of pips which would be passable if unavoidable. Well, do the trailing TP and SL can be made to follow the movement of the present, without repeatedly exposed to spread.

The main obstacle to this is the lack of patience trailing. Moreover, if we use the trading platform requires us sliding TP and SL manually. We must be diligent monitoring chart and shift manually SL or TP is certainly passable takes time and patience extra. For traders who can just take the time that is relatively limited to trading, it could be manually trailing this is difficult to do.

Frankly I myself often have to periodically check the position of SL or TP plus shifts if possible. But often yes "cheated" really. Once in check, uh, already terclosed position. Perhaps essentially human nature that lack of gratitude yes. Already in contact with TP, how ya how could they be sorry too.  
Usually that comes to mind: "Well .. why was only 50 pips download the heck ... even though the motion to 100 pips over ...
" Well are ... if my Ustad MBH said, regretting decisions that we have taken in the trade a sign that we have not had a psychological mature to become a trader and less' grateful ...

But anyway, I agree with the opinion of a friend, that SL green it can make the heart more calm. So? Yes painstaking-patient was doing trailing.

OK ' and next?
Stanby at this sobat trader... 

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