Trading is like an art that involves emotion. Perhaps you are someone who has a high IQ, but if you can not control your emotions will come to fruition mere useless. This may happen where you can not be as successful trader IQ but a mature standard in controlling his emotions.
Lots of traders fail because of this psychological factor.
Tips for traders:
3.) Fear is nothing, act is everything
Fear is a natural and humane. But excessive fear to implement our trading system actually prevents us to get profit opportunities.If a loss how? No one is willing to lose. But remember that the risk is part and parcel of the business. Overcome your fears of the risk by applying risk management and risk to reward ratio is good. We have the knowledge, why not apply?
4.) Do not be greedy
Do not be greedy! If our profit target has been reached, you should immediately exit the market. Often traders get caught up in the movement of the price of being too eager to catch "big fish".
For example, when the profit target has been reached and the position is closed, the price is still forward movement. Had it not been closed positions, the profit generated should be larger. Finally trader was trying to follow the movement of the market with the open position again in a hurry.It helps us calm down after closing our position, whether profit or loss, so the decision is not a decision we take hasty and emotional.
5.) Do not bet the farm
Do not bet all your funds in the transaction. indeed if the 'betting' the bigger, the greater the advantage in this. But this also means that the risk is even greater the. Stay based on the trading plan and money management of your plan. Remember that violations of the trading plan is a failure in the early trading.Cut your losses early, let your profits run Do not reversed. Immediately dispose of your losses to a minimum, and let your profits continued to run toward the target. Lots of traders do the exact opposite. They can survive by allowing losing positions to hundreds of pips, but when the new benefit only a few pips own confusion want to immediately close the position.
Do not do things like this!
6.) Intuition: friend or foe?
Intuition was friend or foe? It's an interesting question.Someone asked, "May I use instinct in trading?"
I distinguish between "instinct" and "intuition". Instinct that comes naturally, without any learning process. For example, bees can know how to create a strong hive without studying architecture. Now, if the "intuition" is obtained through learning and experience. For example, those of us who are accustomed to drive, knew exactly when we have to step on the clutch, changing gears, put pressure on the gas pedal, how much is needed to turn the corner, even sudden braking in emergency situations.
In trading, the more believable is intuition rather than instinct. Intuition is a trader formed from years of experience to observe and recognize the price movement. Sometimes he could know where prices will move just a cursory look at the graph. However, it is advisable not only rely on intuition without constituted by an objective analysis that support.
The primary basis of a trader who wants to succeed:
a. Forex trading is not a quick way to become rich. Being rich can do it, but do not think so narrow that must quickly get rich quick, because this job fair like any other, the difference is time and space.
b. Follow, learn and understand the analysis and strategy of the professionals. There is no harm to mimic the way the way they have managed, always collect treasury strategy
c. Learn how to use technical; fundamental; market issues; supply / deman or any others. And also what is the strategy to implement. (Read: in the menu 'uniformity and strategy)
d. Know yourself. It is important to control the negative things that could aggravate our trading way so that it can be avoided from the start.
2. Learn about and observe the reasons for fluctuations in the market, find it on Fundamental Analysis or Technical Analysis or combine both or other analysis. A good rule to follow is if one or the other does not look right, do not trade.
3. The experience will give you the ability to understand the psychology of the market and to quantify the balance between fundamental analysis and technical analysis.
4. You just need to be careful of your own emotions and use the necessary behavioral changes, this will enable you to become a successful trader.
5. Understand that none of the training, understanding or information that can make you a good trader. The key is to be able to trade in the correct emotional state and without worries. If you do not feel yourself right, walk away until you feel yourself right. Do not try to cover up the defeat transacting over or increase your profits; hold on to the plan. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Take responsibility for yourself, your investment and your emotions.
Search and identify 'who you truly are (red: the' identity 'you ..)
It is writing on 'the upper right corner ..?
(If still it? If sdah lost it' rapopo..' (red: it's okay)