but if my friend wants to start from scratch trader would not hurt please click >> (read from the beginning: Start here ...)
Financial products has long been known as a very profitable investment product. Call it Stocks and Forex which is still to be excellent for investors.
If you want a golden opportunity to achieve large gains, Forex could be the right path. Basically, it looks like the only forex action to buy and sell currency only. But when he saw the level of liquidity and price changes very fast, people have the opportunity to achieve big gains in the Forex world.
No doubt, many people who get rich through Forex in just an instant.
The enthusiasm of investors to Forex certainly helped trigger the growth of this market. Because it is not surprising that money is flowing in this investment model numbers are very large. Performers market is also not limited to a particular profession or of certain circles. Although at this time Forex is popular only among the upper middle, the entrance into the world of Forex not only for these circles only. Even information about Forex and lessons have been scattered in cyberspace and can be learned for free.
If you plunge into the world of Forex, of course, you also need to understand the risks that might encounter. When compared with other investment products, including Forex does have a high enough risk. But in the world of investment, profit and risk is always proportional. So even though the risk is high, you can earn huge profits from this investment.
When beginning to run this business usually novice traders will have a great spirit, unfortunately, after suffering the loss then would retreat without news. For those of you who still believe that forex trading can bring profits or profit, then you should be objective in looking at this business. Any understanding must be firmly held by traders?
Trading forex is a business. This activity is in fact not a gambling game that is only holding on sheer luck in getting money. So that you can enjoy the benefits of this business, then you should have the ability to analyze market development, financial and managerial mental attitude that is always stable in any conditions.
Always close to the latest market trends. You should always know the development trend of the growing market. If you know the market trend is busy then you should look for entry points that lead to these trends.
Set limits on losses and gains. Just like any other business, forex trading when you are also confronted with a loss or a profit. So with the loss limit, you can reduce losses in very large quantities. Meanwhile, if you have a benefit limitation, it prevents you from losing money. Because usually when someone grabbed profits in forex trading, it will be very confident to play bigger. But unfortunately even he suffered great losses.
Always improving forex trading skills. You may not be directly advanced by just doing one transaction only. Therefore you should diligently study the things about this business. So that the benefits you get bigger.
6. Here are some terms You Need To Know In The World Forex
Well, if you are interested to plunge into the world of this investment, it helps if you know the terms in forex investment.
Ok frend, immediately check it terms the world of forex trading below! (Walo not all the authors mentioned - silahken find ya 'disposable radar) ... he he he ...
Margin is a term used to refer to the guarantee in forex trading. Margin may be analogous to the advances that you submit for home purchases. In investment, margin deposited when going to open a position, and then returned when closing positions.
Leverage is the term for leverage in forex trading world. The term is also mentioned for the ratio that determines the amount of margin required to complete the transaction. Later, this ratio will diikaitkan by the contract size.
Just as understanding in Indonesian, buy a term to mention the position of 'buy' in forex trading. Buy this would be done if the price is expected to rise.
The converse to buy, sell used to refer to short positions in forex transactions. Sell ??will be done if the price is expected to fall.
Pip is the term used to mention the value of 1 point rise or fall in price movements. Generally for a mini account, the value 1 points valued at $ 1, while for a standard account value of 1 point is rewarded with the amount of $ 10.
Take Profit (TP)
Targeted action is taking. Or in other words to determine the point of entry price advantage which will be installed in pairs or already executed.
Stop Loss (SL)
A term limit losses. That is the purpose if we're wrong entry position and prices move much and maybe we do not wait or want to limit the losses incurred in order not berlajut.
And other other other other terms will be author to convey dalam'artikel2 time next ..