Characters Trader When the loss / MC.

Hasil gambar untuk gambar trader loss lucuCharacters Trader When the loss / MC.
The trading world is full of stories' love or sorrow. There envies who makes no reply make you drool? Whoa just a lot deh kalo in making 'soap opera' main play 'Trader' could be ?
Someone got the idea to make it ?? he..he.. ^ _ ^
One first topic of the story 'us today is the problem of loss or' MC. Maybe if in the long lay tablets could be a movie radiant duration. But here the authors cm want to write just a moment of my friends same trader himself.
According to the title, the author would describe the character of traders who experienced 'loss / MC will definitely radian ' susuatu ' ( red: something posible ) for instance desperate or hopeless, when experience' Loss or MC especially beginners. 
In this case the author cb little recap of the results friends who confide traders often down when faced with the decision-making situations. 

There are several types of the following examples:

Trader Medsos (Junior Level 1)
* This type of trader new ikut2an crawl, see his friends in medsos on
profit forex world, and he ikut2an, fitting he took without .. plunge into real
market, without introduction and basic learning ago, when his account vanished alias
margin call, he vilifyer forex business. (* This is often the case)

Signal Trader Copy of Friends. (Junior Level 2)
* According to this ane comparison to the signal of friends that can be 50:50, could be right, can
Wrong, wrong in the sense of price rebound, or the other two. its impact if one of you will
trs kepikiran restless, and may blame your friend. So, be yourself.!
Trader Confused (Junior Level 3)
* Always confused with a technical strategy that is owned, first try fails, try 2 times fatal.
consequently MC account, this is often the case, and most of the junior or novice trader who plunge into the real market without adequate provision. and finally often blame the market or its technical strategy itself.

Greedy Trader (Junior Level 4)
* Following traders already more than enough to know and understand the forex trading, but as arrogant, and want cepet rich, he repeated transactions constantly, no matter what happens, as a result not getting nambah profit, but loss, or contact SL berkali2, or maybe sangking serakahnya he usually multiply lot order transaction. and??? Margin Call. !!

Trader Roll Mats (Junior Level 5)
* Study this trader has mastered all of the analysis and disorderly indicators and strategies. Even berkali2 deposite but 'defeat and the defeat that he got and finally despair and decided to stop wishing and get out of the world of forex trading with a very deep wound. And the story on orang2 around even the world 'so traders is hard and professions dk promising ..

Hasil gambar untuk gambar trader loss lucuTrue Trader trader Brani is self-correcting and learning from mistakes themselves ..
The author wrote once ngalami 'loss & MC'. not only 1x course many times and so many times .. he..he..he ..
Loss or MC the usual things 'in' a trader journey '' where there is still a magnificent home straight up? And can be occupied ... ??
Definitely going through the process: foundation / post bricks / roof and tiles; floors etc ...
Which characters including trader friend ... ??
Sobat Trader want nambahin 'type / character traders who receive loss ??
Monggo ...

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