but if my friend wants to start from scratch trader would not hurt please click >> (read from the beginning: Here ...)
well without feeling we've Grade 5 'in the campus HitamPutih - the authors hope that fellow is already more mature in understanding the basics of trading.
Indeed drab yes lesson 'theory' mulu ... ciakakaka ^ _ ^.
OK proceed .. our next lecture:

Forex Analysis can be compared to the chair / table legs 4, when there is a foot that is not solid, it is possible that it will fall off the chair when you are sitting. Similarly in learning forex, if you have not mastered or underestimate one type ways to analyze the forex, it is possible that it will cause you to lose in trading.
To maximize profits and reduce losses, the business strategy is absolutely necessary. In the investment world, this principle also applies, including in the world of Forex. But the strategy will not be effective without sufficient data and knowledge will be a model of analysis applicable in the investment world that was involved.
In general, there are two factors that underlie the movement of Forex. Both of these can be categorized into two categories: fundamental and technical. But this time berkembangan era there if we just rely on two factors can be too fast or too slow to be experiencing defeat ...
Factors such as: demand and supply of market participants; issues news releases, etc. should not be underestimated as well. And in 'this blog writers try' scribble an analytical model that seemed rada-rada has not been in demand by the trader (ed: or even not many people understand) he ... he ... hee ...
namely: Klenikel
So essentially a lot of factors that we need to observe to see the movement of live market.
Ok ... Now let us try to discuss one by one the models of analysis in these streaks ... As far as the author is no more or less please understand in a 'sorry' wrote ... ya called learning ...
To use the supply and demand factor as an indicator of where prices will lead to is an easy thing. But to analyze all the factors affecting supply and demand is not an easy thing. In other words, there are many factors that determine good or bad a condition of the economy.
You have to understand the things that affect the economic conditions of a country, for example: interest rates, monetary policy by the Central Bank, unemployment, etc; which in turn will affect the price of the country's currency.
The underlying concept of forex fundamental analysis is that, if the economy of a country at the present time and the future looks good, then the price of the country's currency tends to strengthen.
When a country's economy is good, then there will be a lot of business and foreign investors to invest in the country. This led to the need to buy the country's currency required to invest.
Broadly speaking, one can say that if the economic conditions of a country better then the price of the currency tends to increase. However, if the economic conditions of a country is bad, then the price of the currency tends to decline.
As an example:
when the country's economy with good, then the price of the US dollar strengthened. In line with increased economic growth, then there is a possibility of a rise in interest rates to control economic growth and inflation.
The increase in interest rates will lead to dollar-based financial assets would be more desirable. So to have this financial asset, traders and investors have to buy the US dollar, causing an increase in the price of the currency's value.
Similarly, a brief discussion of the basic concepts of fundamental analysis that you can use in determining trading strategies.
In theory, it can be said that in all the forex technical analysis of market information at this time is always reflected in the price of the currency. If prices reflect all available information, then the movement (price action) is the main thing that determines for a trader to trade in the forex market.
You may have heard the expression, "History tends to repeat itself". It is the right expression to describe the technical analysis. If in the past a certain price level has proven to be a point of support or resistance, then traders will be eyeing this price level and use it as a basis for trading strategies.
Technical analysis in the forex always see a certain pattern that has formed in the past, and use it as the basis for trading on the present moment, because it believes prices will move like that has happened before.
In the world of forex trading, when someone mentions about technical analysis, then the first thing that comes to mind is the diagram. Technical analysis uses a lot of diagrams, because the diagram can help one to visualize a collection of data or information.
You can observe the historical data to help spot trends or patterns of price movements that you can use in determining the position of trading.
Also, because there are many traders who rely on technical analysis, the price movement patterns and indicator signals have a tendency to materialize real. When more and more traders use the price level and the specific chart patterns, then the more this pattern will be realized in actual market conditions.
However, you should know that forex technical analysis is VERY SUBJECTIVE. Just because two people diagram traders observe exactly the same movement pattern, it does not mean that they have the same thinking in terms of where prices will move.
The main thing is that you know the underlying concept of technical analysis, so you will not be confused when they hear that there are people who call about Fibonacci, Bollinger Bands, or pivot point (turning point). This will allow you to explore more deeply about the kinds of diagrams and pattern of market movements are generally known in the world of forex trading.
The market price is not simply reflect all conditions as traders would take the same action. Of course, such things would not happen. Each trader has his opinions and beliefs of each of the market conditions.
The overall market conditions represent ideas and views / opinions of the trader, where it will manifest in trading positions are taken. And this is what causes the formation of the overall market sentiment.
The problem, as a trader, however strong your belief in taking trading positions, you can not move the market as you want, unless you are a very influential in the world economy such as George Soros or Goldman Sachs. If you strongly believe that the value of the dollar will strengthen, but others have thought the opposite, then there is nothing you can do to change the market situation.
As a trader, you must take this into account, to predict whether the market has a tendency to strengthen (bullish) or down (bearish). The ability to analyze market sentiment it is useful to you in determining trading strategy, so this should not be ignored.
D. Issues Market / Market Rumors
- Relying on the latest news at the time.
- The impact depends' news (hight / medium / low) when the fundamental types that are released.
- And volatility movement also depends on the type of news that 'could release large / medium / low
issues of market / news:
- It usually appears before the news release and after the release (from: fundamental)
- Or even no news releases! at all.
- And generally impact only 'moment but depending strong / weak market issues outstanding.
- Volatility movements over medium-high level !!! and even..
- Can 'extreme' if the outstanding issues in the same market / counterclockwise 'fundamental imaginable.
issues market are factors that are closely related to the issues going on. He influenced their + = fundamental supply / demand.
A state of economic / political / etc in a country. Issues of market news and outstanding information capable of giving a major influence on market movements.
Generally, factors issues this market does not play a direct role in affecting the Forex market movements. In practice, however, the influence of factors this issue is more of a psychological influence on market participants.
For example:
lack of information about the government's new policy. When viewed at a glance, this seems not affect the Forex market directly. However, because the policy is considered to affect the movement of the market, the trader or investor affected so that a certain action. If the action was carried out in a massive scale, of course it will affect the market.
heeemmm ... author also confused about where to start writing.
let curious ntr will try coret2 writer here in separate posts ..
since this factor puaaaaanjang once for discussion and writing materials still clogs collected all --- another time 'analysis' is a little we will mention or describe in a separate post (ed: special).
Especially because Incidentally in this blog authors 'use as a' header 'of the writing in the blog' is ..
Just be patient...