Wacan & Library for Trader

Trader readings bunker warehouse we will try to summarize here. For the purpose of the library will be both novice trader or professional master...

Which will be a bit much to be able to help the maturing Trader in the rhetoric of market trading as 'dynamic'. As a result would be expected code hidden inside trader will be more visible and shine..
Because science is widely Trader smart thirst for knowledge in this sub team will try to attach some article writing / good experience of the author and the team and also from a variety of sources / media etc. 

Within the scope of market trading (within the circle of the scope 'of this blog) and scopes of others which will not be far from' market trading 'course.

And in this case the co-authors of team mate traders expect the contribution in particular and the other to participate pouring brilliant ideas that will surely enrich our science and in particular fellow traders and visitors in this Blog.

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