HM Style Analisa & Strategy Power Full & Simple Untuk Beginner Trader

Previous authors never be 'question' of fellow trader- what this strategy (ed: HM-stone) 'similar' terms in another strategy ..? :

1. say 'zero zone' it is OK ---> but nonetheless' HM (fixed price) is not it ..
2. The said pivot / resistance / support '---> may also however HM' I think 'not too ... it.
3. say 'supply / demand' ----> may also however HM 'not the EEE ..
4. said averaging ---> hemm might but yes that HM 'is not it too ..
5. Hight & Low said ..?
6. The said price action ---- waduh essentially not all of it.

Certainly heard this term many traders master the 'laughing' usual stuff 'let alone a novice alias' nubi' laughter kuenceng once ..

In SubArtikel 'HM', the writer will try a little explored in the form of writing that is still chaotic but does not reduce or add to the confusion koq can still be read. Because of the writer's life keubod. Lah try if using a pen its mumet definitely read it. In this menu there are several article writers try to separate them one to another with the intent to facilitate the understanding of its per item2 in the sub menu 'HM' on this Blog  including:

1. Black and White Trader

2. opo kui HM ..? (Ed: what it meant HM HM ...?

3. Implementation Strategy in action HM market trading.

4. Radar HM (signal action trader derived from the value of HM) ter_Update

(Note: if there is currently no latest HM - HM release / article yesterday which could closest to 'reference')

5. The others (Comingsoon ...)

If there is something you want on the express please leave a message ..
(Please visit the articles above - preferably sequentially. To make it easier to understand)

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